Thursday, September 19, 2013

Enduring Love

This blog post may be sappy, but my mission companion and I just got done watching and crying over this video and so it put me in a sappy mood. And it got me thinking. Why do I find such small acts of love so touching? I don't quite know, but I do know and feel that it is because we are all meant to love and be loved in this way. We are children of God, and to be with our families for forever. And that means our love for eachother is meant to endure every difficulty and last that long too.

I love my family dearly, and am so grateful to have grown up in a home where true and enduring love was felt and shown. None of us are perfect, but all of us try. We are in an interesting time right now. I am serving my mission here in NYC, my younger brother Stephen is serving a mission in Atlanta Georgia (waiting for his visa to Argentina) , and my younger sister is holding down the fort in Colorado and keeping Mom and Dad in line at home :). Its been interesting to be apart from them for the past year or so and watch the family dynamic change as we go our separate ways. But however much everything has changed, the love, and closeness and loyalty that I feel for and from my family has stayed the same if not grown. I know that Families are Forever and that the bonds I share with my family will not only transend over nations and oceans, but also over death. Because we are sealed in the temple of our Loving God, I know and have the assurance that they are forever mine, and I am forever theirs. And I cannot even describe the joy this gives me.

Here is a link to an amazing document that was written for our day by living prophets. I know it will bless your family, because it has blessed mine :)

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